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Mesothelioma or lung cancer from work at Avondale Shipyard?

Posted by Jeremiah Boling | Jan 20, 2021 | 0 Comments

Destroyer Escort built at Avondale

Many people who were exposed to asbestos while working at Avondale Shipyards suffer from health conditions such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. If you are experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, and/or painful coughing, it is important to see a doctor right away. You can get in touch with us via our Contact Page. We will help you find a mesothelioma doctor in Louisiana.

Avondale Shipyards was founded in 1938. From 1938 until 1959, Avondale constructed barges, steamships, ferries, tugboats, two icebreakers, and various US Navy vessels. Unfortunately, these ships made extensive use of asbestos to protect the vessels from catching fire at sea. Avondale employees regularly worked around asbestos on these vessels. Exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer and other asbestos related diseases.


Avondale expanded the amount of vessels constructed from 1960 on. The number of employees at Avondale grew into the thousands. The majority of the ships Avondale constructed in the 1960's and 70's utilized asbestos on pipes, walls, engine rooms, boilers and various other portions of the ships. In the construction of US Navy ships and coast guard cutters at Avondale asbestos was extensively used. During the 1960s Avondale opened other yards around Louisiana, including the Harvey yard and Bayou Black.

If you worked at Avondale prior to 1982 there is a good chance you experienced asbestos exposure. If you or a loved one developed mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis call us now at 504-615-6309. There is compensation and benefits available for employees and families who were exposed to asbestos due to employment at Avondale Shipyards.

If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer from your work at Avondale Shipyards there are Doctors in Louisiana to help. If you or a loved one developed mesothelioma or lung cancer from work at Avondale Shipyard call us today at 504-615-6309.

About the Author

Jeremiah Boling

Founder - Jeremiah earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the Mississippi State University. During his tenure at Mississippi State, he pitched for the Bulldogs baseball team and was selected for the Southeastern Conference academic honor roll. Thereafter, he received his Juris Doctor...


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